Sunday, January 3, 2010


Its 1 am. can't sleep so of course I find myself here. things on my mind right now...

1. how much I am dreading going back to Provo on Monday.
2. how greatful I am to have been home the past two weeks. It has been a much needed break.
3. how horribly white I am. I need a tanning membership. baddd.
4. how excited I am for this new year. so many good things to come!
5. 2 more months of school! woot.
6. I loooove my mom. I miss her when I'm not here.
7. so excited for my new years resolutions to get started.
8. LA trip/Disneyland in 3 weeks with my bestie. :) happy birthday to me.
9. Dt. Coke is a bad idea late at night.

random. sorry. night. :)

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