Monday, July 20, 2009

weekend in Vegas for the NAHA's.

Translation- (North American Hairstyling Awards).
It was so fun! We got to meet all the big names in the business, so that was cool. Its not like I knew who any of them were, but going to the show really made me realize what a fun and empowering industry I'm getting myself into. Hairstylists really do make a difference in people's lives. What they do seems pretty small, but makes a huge difference in someone's attitude and confidence. Their pretty BA if you ask me. I cant wait till I graduate and can actually call myself one!

Philip Wilson...he loves the TA girls. :)
Nicholas French models
Our fun dresses. :)

AND I got to see Tanner this weekend. :) he has 16 more days till he peaces out. I'm so proud of him!

1 comment:

Chels Allred said...

I love going to hair shows! BUT i try not to over do it, because every time i go, i spend WAY too much money on crap i just dont need!

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